Introduction to management 2020 batch mcq With answersheet BCA Fifth Semester and exam held on 2024 may ten


i. Management is :
a) an art b) a science
c) both an art and a science d) neither an art nor a science

ii. Positive motivation makes people willing to do their work in the best way they can and
improve their………….
a) Productivity b) Personality.   c) Performance d) All of the above

ili. In what order do managers typically perform the managerial functions?
a) organizing, planning, controlling, leading
b) organizing, leading, planning, controlling
c) planning, organizing, leading, controlling
d) planning, organizing, controlling, leading the important interpersonal role of a manager.
a) Leader role          b) Liaison role
c) Figurehead role d) All of the above

V.What is a social enterprise concerned with?
a) Profit maximization b) Maximizing market share c) Providing public service
d) Running a business to create social benefits

vi. A reporting relationship in which an employee receives order form and reports to only one supervisor is known as:
a) Unity of direction b) Unity of command
c) Centralization d) Planning

vii.The founder of scientific management movement was:
a) Henry Fayol b) F.W. Taylor c) Elton Mayo d) M.P. Follett

vili.The person at the top of the organizational hierarchy is least likely to be called;

a) President   b) General Manager c) Executive officer d) First-line supervis

ix.Control system of an organization has no influence over the……
a) Internal environment
b) External environment
c) Customers
d) Government

x.The first and foremost function of management is…………
a) Planning b) Organizing c) Controlling    d) Coordination


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