Unit 1(one) Introduction To Java || BCA Third Semester || Oops In Java|| Notes


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BCA Third Semester Oops in Java Subject, Unit one or Chapter one Complete Notes Pdf Downloadable Link are Given Below.


Introduction To Java

Fundamentals of java Programming

  • Computers and Computer Programming
  • Writing and Executing a Java Program
  • Elements of a Java Program
  • Features of Java
  • Accessing the Classes and Class Members
  • The Memory Usage by a Java Program
  • When Will the Error Occur?


Learning Objectives

  • Understand how computers and computer programs work.
  • Understand how a Java program is written, compiled, and executed.
  • Understand what makes Java platform independent.
  • Identify the object-oriented features of Java.
  • Identify different elements of a Java program: primitive variable, reference variable, local variable, instance variable, method, and class.
  • Identify where in memory the method invocations, objects, and variables are stored.
  • Understand how access modifiers define the accessibility of classes and class members.
  • Understand the concepts of early binding and late binding in the context of program errors.




 Computers and Computer Programming

  • How a Computer Works
  • How a Computer Program Works

   How a Computer Works

  • From a computer program’s perspective, a computer consists of components to do the following:
  • Receive data from a user
  • Process the data according to instructions from a program or a user
  • Place the results somewhere
  • Places to Store Data:
  1. Permanent storage: hard drive
  2. Temporary storage: RAM
  • I/O Devices: monitor, keyboard, disk, and
  • printer
  • CPU: The Brain of the Computer

Writing and Executing a Java Program

  • A compiler translates a program in C/C++ to a binary format called executable code
  • The executable code is machine dependent
  • Java programs are machine independent, thanks to Java virtual machine (JVM).
  • Writing a Java Program
  • Compiling a Java Program
  • Executing a Java Program



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