Society and Technology MCQ with answersheet 2023 batch exam held on 2024 june 04


Subject: Society and Technology
Batch 2023
Semester I
Exam Held on: 2024 june 04


 i. Which is the latest stage of society?
a) tribal b) hunting & gathering c) Industriald) agrarian

ii. Enculturation is process of learning
a) own cultureb) other’s culture c) other’s language d) none

iii. Which is not an ascribed status?
a) caste b) sex. c) nationality d) pilot

iv.Family residing at mother’s place is called…
a) matrilocalb) patrilocal. c) neolocal d) none

v.Culture can be categorized in …… types.
a) one b) two c) threed) four

vi.Socialization is a process of
a) speaking b) hearing c) learningd) singing

vii. Types of status are
a) one b) two. c) three d) four

viii. Which one is not a consanguineous kinship
a) Father b) Son c)mother in lawd) Grand mother
ix.Types of observation in research are
a)one b) Two   c) three d) four
x.Which one is not a probability sampling?
a) random b) stratified c) convenienced) systematic







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