Nepalgunj College



Dear All,
Welcome to the Computer Science Department at Nepalgunj College!
I am so pleased and honored to be the Chair of this illustrious institution, an institution increasingly recognized as one of the regions finest.
It is the talent, dedication and energy of our faculty; the enthusiasm and creativity of the students; the dedication and support of excellent staff; and the support and active engagement of parents/ guardians and society we have been able to reach this height.
We are dedicated to quality education and research. We are constantly recruiting and hiring future leaders of their respective fields to educate and train our undergraduate students. We offer highly qualified faculty and contemporary computing laboratories.
Here at our institution students learn not only the what, but also the why and how, of Computer Science through a well-planned sequence of core courses along with electives of their choice on advanced topics. We strongly encourage students to engage in research with the faculty and experience first-hand the thrill of solving real-world technological problems.
I hope you have a chance to visit us and talk to our faculty and students to learn about all the exciting opportunities we offer and explore what our institution has to offer you through our website.
I also wish you all the best!

Yours Sincerely
Nishant Kumar Shakya
Educational Director


We take immense pride on being the first Information Technology (IT) College in Nepalgunj. As a pioneer in the region, we fully understand our responsibility of laying a solid foundation for the IT education field across western Nepal. Since our mission is to guide our students to academic excellence, we are committed to delivering top-class IT education that is recognized and respected nationally as well as internationally.

In other cities there has been quantitative growth in IT education sector at the expense of quality, resulting in graduates who don’t fit the needs of job markets. Happily, we pledge before all our future students that our courses would always be geared to suit the emerging need of the IT industry through constant interaction between our faculty members and the employers in the IT sector.

Our Vision

The institution aspires to be the premier education institution known for excellence in teaching, learning and research.

Our Mission

The primary purpose of college is to provide a learning environment in which faculty, staff and students can discover, examine critically, preserve and transmit the knowledge, wisdom and values that will help ensure the survival of this and future generations and improve the quality of life for all.

The institution strives to attract and serve students from diverse social, economic and ethnic backgrounds to creating a peaceful environment, within such an environment, each student, will be empowered and inspired to reach his or her full academic, emotional, physical and spiritual potential.

The college is committed in encouraging, inspiring and helping students prepare for work, active citizenship, and successful life using a combination of classroom work and real time problem solving activities.


We, the faculty and staff of the Nepalgunj College, commit to the following values:

Accountability: We will be accountable to our students and the general public forthe quality and quantity of our teaching, research, scholarship, and service to the community, and for theresponsible and effective use of our resources.

Leadership: We value and are committed to exercising leadership that aspires all the members of the college.

Excellence: We value excellence in teaching, service and research.

Social and Ethical Responsibility: We value honesty, fairness, respect, compassion, and professional and scholarly ethics among faculty, staff and students.

Diversity: We value respect for cultural, individual and role difference, including those due to age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, family configuration, disability, language, philosophical orientation, and socioeconomic status among others.

Communication and Collaboration: We will seek cooperative and mutually beneficial relationships with other academic institutions, businesses, charitable organizations, and governments at home and abroad to enhance and support our educational, research and scholarly activities.

Course Introduction

Since the inception, Information Technology and Engineering is home to a pool of talents from different parts of the country. The department has become popular among students due to its achievements and rigor.

Bachelors of  Computer Application (BCA)  is a four years semester based program of Tribhuvan University designed with major focus on computers and technology. This under graduation degree in information technology has more concentrate on the business and communication applications of computing.

It also helps students to relates their Knowledge on data, information, human-computer interaction, presentation, visualization, networking and communication with real business situations. Students are prepared to understand the (potential) application of computing to society in general and in their disciplines.

What a BCA program offers you:

  • Intensive knowledge in the field of theory, design, programming and application of computers.
  • In-depth understanding and experience with computer systems.
  • Creative and analytical skills that provide basis for technical problem-solving.
  • Technical knowledge IT professionals require for multi-tasking and multi-programming and to assess and develop computer based solutions.
  • Knowledge of advanced IT applications used in different business sectors.
  • Further knowledge of advanced IT applications in different business sectors.
  • Provide intensive cognition in the field of functional knowledge of hardware system and the necessary knowledge of computer software system

About the program

  • New course design meeting the global ICT changes and updated curriculum contents.
  • In addition to conventional lectures, a great deal of practical and project works.
  • Builds up the skills that are essential for both computer professionals and researchers including Software developers, Computer systems analysts, Network administrators, Computer programmers, Database administrators, Web developers, IT managers, etc.
  • Semester based program of Tribhuvan University having international bilateral relations.

Curricular Structure

The Bachelors of Computer Application (BCA): A 4-Year Undergraduate Degree spread over 8 semesters. Candidate must select a minimum of 30 credits from each academic year including all compulsory courses. All eight courses in successive years are mix of compulsory and optional. The course designed to provide all sorts of knowledge in the field of Computing and Information Technology to the students. The BCA program has 126 credit hours in totals which has variant in Programming, Networking, Web Programming, Database Management and Recent Trends in IT.  The distribution of courses over the semester and core area of competencies are as follows:


Credit Hours

Computer Core Courses


Natural Science Elective Courses


Mathematics Courses


English Courses


Social Science & Management Courses


Computer Science Elective Courses


Internship and Project


Total Credit Hours



Grading System

The score of the students is evaluated on the basis of the percentage secured in the semester exam. The grading system is maintained on the foundation of the percentage secured and is accompanied as follows:

  • Distinction: 80% and above.
  • First Division: 70% and above.
  • Second Division: 55% and above.
  • To Pass: At least 40% of the marks must be secured.


In the final semester, students are required to complete a six credit (minimum ten weeks long) internship as a part of the course requirement. The student can choose any organization depending up there area of interest like programming, database, networking, web development etc where student will get the practical knowledge that they have studied in the college. During the Internship the students are supervised by the faculty members as well as by representatives from the participating organization.

Contact Us

  •  Nepalgunj College
  • Location:- Ganeshman chowk,Nepalgunj
    (Opposite of Nepalguj Eye Hospital/ Beside Kipal College)
  • Phone:- +977-81-522883
  •  Mobile:- 98580025883,9848022391,9848223982




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