Micro Processor Question Solved For BCA Second Semester


Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) Second Semester

Microprocessor and Computer Architecture

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Unit 1: Fundamental of Microprocessor (5 Hrs.)

Introduction to Microprocessors,  Microprocessor system with bus organization, Microprocessor architecture and operation,            8085 Microprocessor and its operation,      8085 instruction cycle,      machine cycle,       T states,      Addressing modes in 8085,   Introduction to 8086


  1. Define Microprocessor. Differentiate between Microprocessor and Microcontroller with example.

Ans:- A microprocessor is a multipurpose, programmable, clock-driven, register based electronic device that reads binary instructions from a storage device called memory, accepts binary data as input and processes data according to these instruction, and provides result as output.

In other words, a microprocessor is the chip containing some control and logic circuits that is capable of making arithmetic and logical decisions based on input data and produces the corresponding arithmetic or logical output.


Microprocessor Microcontroller
1. It is the Heart of computer system 1. It is the Heart of embedded system
2 It is just processor, Memory and I/O components have to be connected externally. 2. It has a external processor, along with Memory and I/O components.
3 Since memory and I/O has to be connected externally the circuit become large. 3. Since memory and I/O are present internally, the small is circuit .
4 Cannot be used in compact systems and hence inefficient 4. Can be used in compact systems and hence it is inefficient technique.
5 It have less number of registers, hence more operation are memory based. 5. It have more number of registers, hence the programs are easier to write.
6 Mainly used in person computer. 6. Used Mainly used in washing machine. MP3
  1. Define Computer Architecture? Different between Computer architecture and Computer Organization.

Ans: – Computer architecture is a design principle that describes the functionality organization and implementation of computer system.

Computer Architecture Computer organization
i)          It abstract model and are those attributes that are visible to programmer like instructions sets, no of bits used for data, addressing techniques.

ii)        For eg:- a company that manufactures cars, design and all low-level details of the car come under computer architecture (abstract, programmers view)

i)  It expresses the realization of the architecture or how features are implemented like these registers ,those data paths or this connection to memory. contents of CO are ALU, CPU and memory and memory organizations.

ii)  while making it’s parts piece by piece and connecting together the different components of that car by keeping the basic design in mind comes under computer organization (physical and visible).

  1. Explain the 8085 microprocessor addressing modes with example.

Ans :- The different ways in which a processor can access data are referred as its addressing mode. In assembly language statements , The addressing mode is indicated in the instruction itself.

The various addressing mode are :-………..

  1. Register Addressing Mode                                                            Register  Indirect Addressing Mode
  2. Immediate Addressing Mode.                 Implied Addressing Mode
  • Direct Addressing Mode.
  1. Define Interrupt. Explain the types of Interrupt.

Ans:- Interrupt are the signal generated by the external device to request the microprocessor to perform a task. There are 5 types of interrupt signal i.e. TRAP,RST 7.5,RST6.5, RST5.5 and INTR. Interrupt are classified into following group based on their parameter.

  • vector interrupt::- In this type of interrupt the interrupt address is known to processor. Eg. RST7.5, RST6.5, RST5.5 & TRAP.
  • Non-Vector interrupt: In this type of interrupt the interrupt address is not known to processor. Eg. INRT
  • Maskable Interrupt:- In this types of interrupt we can disable the interrupt by writing some instruction into the program Eg. RST 7.5,RST6.5, RST5.5
  • Non-Maskable Interrupt:- In this types of interrupt we can not be disable the interrupt by writing some instruction into the program Eg. TRAP.
  • Software interrupt: In this type of interrupt the programmable has to add the instruction into the program to executed the interrupt. There are 8 software interrupt in 8085,i.e. RST0,RST1, RST2, RST3, RST4, RST5, RST6, & RST7
  • Hardware interrupt: There are 5 interrupt pin in 8085 used as hardware interrupt ie. TRAP,RST7.5, RST6.5, RST5.5, INTA
  1. List the features of 8086 microprocessor with its block diagram.

Ans:- The Feature of 8086 Microprocessors are  …

  • 16 bit microprocessor
  • 20 bit address bus and 16 bit internal data bus.
  • 4 general purpose registers AX, BX, CX and DX that store 16 bit each.
  • segmented memory with each segment having 64KB store capacity
  • 4 segments register,
  • 9 flag.
  1. 8086 Microprocessor Block Diagram
  2. Write short notes on:

Control and Status Signals, :-


Machine Cycle:- Machine cycle is define as the time required to complete one operation of accessing memory i/p ,o/p or acknowledging and external request. This cycle may consists of 3 to 6 T state.

T-States :- T-state is define as one sub division of the operation performed in one clock period. These sub division are internal states synchronized with system clock and each state precisely equal to one clock period. Each of these operation performs a specific function some machine cycle are opcode fetch M.C. (4T),Memory Read MC. (3T). I/O read MC(T3),I/O write MC(T3), Interrupt MC (TC).

Unit 2: Introduction to Assembly Language Programming (10 Hrs.)

Assembly Language Programming Basics,     Classifications of Instructions and Addressing Mode,     8085 Instruction Sets,      Assembling, Executing and debugging the Programs, Developing Counters and Time Delay Routines,      Interfacing Concepts.

Questions solving :

  1. Define Assembling. Explain the merits and demerits of Assembly Language Programming(Page no 52&53)
  2. Explain the 8085 Programming model.
  3. Classify the 8085 Instruction Set with example.

Instruction Set of 8085

— An instruction is a binary pattern designed inside a microprocessor to perform a specific function.

— The entire group of instructions that a microprocessor supports is called Instruction Set.

— 8085 has 246 instructions.

— Each instruction is represented by an 8-bit binary value.

— These 8-bits of binary value is called Op-Code  or Instruction Byte.

Classification of Instruction Set

  • Data Transfer Instruction
  • Arithmetic Instructions
  • Logical Instructions
  • Branching Instructions
  • Control Instructions

Explain in 8085 details Pdf file ma xa

  1. Write short notes on: Instruction word size, Data format

Unit 3: Basic Computer Architecture (4 Hrs.)

Introduction: History of computer architecture, [William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture, 9th Edition, Part – One, Chapter 2: “Computer Evolution and Performance”]

Overview of computer organization, [William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture, 9th Edition, Part – One, Chapter 1: “Introduction”]

Memory hierarchy and Cache, [William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture, 9th Edition, Part – Two, Chapter 4: “Cache Memory”]

Organization of hard disk, [William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture, 9th Edition, Part – Two, Chapter 6: “External Memory”, 6.1: Magnetic Disk]

[M. Morris Mano, Computer System Architecture, 3rd Edition, Chapter Twelve: “Memory Organization”].

Instruction Codes: Stored Program Organization, Indirect address, Computer Registers, Common Bus systems, Instruction set, Timing and Control, Instruction Cycle.

[M. Morris Mano, Computer System Architecture, 3rd Edition, Chapter Five: “Basic Computer Organization and Design” from 5-1 to 5-5].

Questions solving :

  1. Explain the role of John Von Neumann in development of computer.(Page no 5& 6)

Ans:-There  are two types of digital computer architures that describe the functional and implemention of computer system. One is the Jhon Von Neumann Arctecture  that  was designed by the renowned physicst and mathematician Jhon Von Neumann in the 1940s. and the other one is the Harvard architure which was based on the original Harvared Marl – I realy- based computer which employed separate memory system to store data and instructions.

Jhon Von Neumann  was a theoretical designed based on the concept of stored- program  computer where program data and instruction data are stored in the same memory.

  1. Explain the Memory Hierarchy with diagram.

Ans:- In computer architecture, the memory hierarchy separates computer storage into a hierarchy based on response time. Since response time, complexity, and capacity are related, the levels may also be distinguished by their performance and controlling technologies.



  1. Explain the elements of cache design.


  1. Explain the internal structure of Hard Disk.

– Hard drives are usually devices that can be used for storing data and to retrieve it. They are composed of one or more than one rigid disc that rapidly rotates.

– Hard disks in them contain various components such as Platter, Spindle, Actuator, power connector, Jumper block, IDE connector etc.

– In the inside of a hard disk there is the spindle which is used to hold circular magnetic disks also known as platters. They are usually made up of a non magnetic material,

– These platters are spun at speeds in excess of 4000 RPM, nowadays 7200 RPM based hard disks are common enough.

– The read and write heads work on these spinning platters to read and write data. They are controlled by an actuator arm that prevents any error.

  1. Explain the concept of Stored Program Organization. (Pg.154)
  2. Demonstrate the theory of direct and indirect address with instruction format diagrams. (Pg.154,155)

Ans:- These parts of an instruction formate specifies the address of an operand, the instruction is said to  have a direct  address .In Indirect address, bits in the second parts of the instruction designate an

  1. Define registers. Explain the basic computer registers with their uses. (Pg. 157)

Ans:- Register is the high speed memory device used for storing data during instruction execution .

  1. Define Bus System. Explain the bus system construction mechanisms using Multiplexers and Three – state buffer gates.
  2. Explain the instruction set design issues.
  3. Explain the structure of control unit of basic computer.
  4. Define Instruction cycle. Explain the instruction cycle with state diagram. (Pg.162,163)

Ans :- Instruction cycle:- the necessary step that the CPU carries out to fetch an instruction and necessary data from the memory and to execute it constitute an instruction cycle . Moreover it is defined as the time required to complete the execution of an instruction . an instruction cycle consists of fetch cycle and execute cycle.


Unit 4: Micro programmed Control (10 Hrs.)

Basic Design of Accumulator: Control of AC register, ALU organization,

[M. Morris Mano, Computer System Architecture, 3rd Edition, Chapter Five: “Basic Computer Organization and Design” from 5-10].

Control Memory, Address Sequencing: Conditional Branching, Mapping of Instruction, Subroutines, Microprogram: Symbolic Microprogram, Binary Microprogram, Design of Control Unit, Basic requirement of Control Unit, Structure of Control Unit, Microprogram Sequencer.

[M. Morris Mano, Computer System Architecture, 3rd Edition, Chapter Seven: “Micro programmed Control” from 7-1 to 7-4].

[William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture, 8th Edition, Part – Four, Chapter 15 & 16].


Questions solving :


  1. Explain the Design procedure of Accumulator Logic.


  1. Explain the Gate structure for controlling the LD, INR, and CLR of Accumulator.



  1. Explain the components of ALU with their functions.



  1. Define the Control Unit. Explain the organization of Micro programmed Control unit.



  1. Differentiate between Hardwired and Micro programmed Control Design.



  1. Explain the address sequencing procedure.



  1. Explain the conditional branching mechanism.


  1. What do you mean by mapping of instructions? Explain the procedure for mapping from instruction code to microinstruction address.


  1. Define Micro program. (Pg 180)
  2. Differentiate between Symbolic and Binary micro program with example. (180)


  1. Explain the basic requirements for designing control unit.


  1. Explain the structure of Control Unit.


  1. Write the role of micro program sequencer in micro programmed control unit.’


Unit 5: Central Processing Unit (10 Hrs.)

General Register Organization: Control Word, Stack Organization, Instruction formats, addressing modes. 5

Data Transfer and Manipulation: Data transfer instructions, Data manipulation instructions, Arithmetic instructions, Logical and Bit Manipulation Instructions, Shift Instructions.

Program Control: Status Bit Conditions, Conditional Branch Instructions, Subroutine Call and Return, Program Interrupt, Types of Interrupt. 

Questions solving :

  1. Explain the Register set with common ALU.


  1. Explain the general register organization


  1. Define control word. Explain the procedure for determining control word for specific operation.


  1. Define stack.

Ans:-  A stack is a storage device that be store information in such a manner that the item stored last is the first item retrieved . The stack in digital computer is essentially a memory unit with an address  register that can count only. The register that hold the address for the stack is called a stack pointer. Because its value always points at the top item in the stack . The physical  register of a stack are always available for reading or writing. It is the content of n the word that is inverted or deleted.

  1. Explain the stack organization.


  1. Explain the different instruction formats with examples.


  1. Explain the different types of instruction addressing modes.


  1. Explain the different Data Transfer and Manipulation instruction
  2. What are control instructions? Explain the different types of program control instructions with their roles.


  1. Define program interrupt. Explain the types of interrupt. (Pg. 209,210)
  2. Write short notes on:

Status bit conditions,

  1. Differentiate between CISC and RISC architecture.’

Unit 6: Pipeline, Vector Processing and Multiprocessors (6 Hrs.)

Parallel Processing, Pipeline Examples: Four segment instruction pipeline, Data dependency, Handling of branch instructions, vector processing, vector operations, matrix multiplication.

Questions solving :

  1. What is parallel processing? Explain the benefits of parallel processing.

Ans ;-

  • It refers to techniques that are used to provide simultaneous data processing.
  • The system may have two or more ALUs to be able to execute two or more instruction at the same time.
  • The system may have two or more processors operating concurrently.
  • It can be achieved by having multiple functional units that perform same or different operation simultaneously.
  1. Explain the classifications of parallel processing by M. J. Flynn.

M.J. Flynn classify the computer on the basis of number of instruction and data items processed simultaneously.

 Single Instruction Stream, Single Data Stream(SISD)

 Single Instruction Stream, Multiple Data Stream(SIMD)

 Multiple Instruction Stream, Single Data Stream(MISD)

 Multiple Instruction Stream, Multiple Data Stream(MIMD)


SISD represents the organization containing single control unit, a processor unit and a memory unit. Instruction are executed sequentially and system may or may not have internal parallel processing capabilities.

SIMD represents an organization that includes many processing units under the supervision of a common control unit.

MISD structure is of only theoretical interest since no practical system has been constructed using this organization.

MIMD organization refers to a computer system capable of processing several programs at the same time.

  1. Explain the role of pipelining in computing.


  1. What is pipelining?


 It is a technique of decomposing a sequential process into sub operations, with each sub process being executed in a special dedicated segments that operates concurrently with all other segments. Each segment performs partial processing dictated by the way task is partitioned. The result obtained from each segment is transferred to next segment. The final result is obtained when data have passed through all segments.


 Suppose we have to perform the following task:

 Each sub operation is to be performed in a segment within a pipeline. Each segment has one or two registers and a combinational circuit.

 The sub operations in each segment of the pipeline are as follows:

  1. Define instruction pipeline. Explain the four segment instruction pipeline.

Instruction Pipeline

 Pipeline processing can occur not only in the data stream but in the instruction stream as well.

 An instruction pipeline reads consecutive instruction from memory while previous instruction are being executed in other segments.

 This caused the instruction fetch and execute segments to overlap and perform simultaneous operation.

  1. Explain the different pipeline hazards (conflicts)?


  1. How to handle the branch instruction in pipeline? Explain.

Handling of Branch Instruction

 Pre fetch the target instruction.

 Branch target buffer(BTB) included in the fetch segment of the pipeline

 Branch Prediction

 Delayed Branch

RISC Pipeline

 Simplicity of instruction set is utilized to implement an instruction pipeline using small number of sub operation, with each being executed in single clock cycle.

 Since all operation are performed in the register, there is no need of effective address calculation.

Three Segment Instruction Pipeline

 I: Instruction Fetch

 A: ALU Operation

 E: Execute Instruction

Delayed Branch

 Let us consider the program having the following 5 Instructions

  1. Define vector processing. Explain the application areas of vector processing.

Ans:- Vector Processing

 There is a class of computational problems that are beyond the capabilities of the conventional computer.

 These are characterized by the fact that they require vast number of computation and it take a conventional computer days or even weeks to complete.

 Computers with vector processing are able to handle such instruction and they have application in  following fields:

 Long range weather forecasting

 Petroleum exploration

 Seismic data analysis

 Medical diagnosis

 Aerodynamics and space simulation

 Artificial Intelligence and expert system

 Mapping the human genome

 Image Processing

  1. Explain the characteristics of multiprocessor system.


  1. Explain the interconnection structure of multiprocessor system.


  1. Write short notes on: Arithmetic pipeline, vector operations, matrix multiplications.


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