Machine Learning MCQ With Answersheet BCA Eight semster 2019 batch


Machine Learning
BCA Eight Semester
Batch 2019

Which of the following problems is related with dealing with predicting a continuous class label?
a) Clustering
b) Classification
c) Dimensionality reduction
d) Regression

ii.Which of the following measures the disorder or impurity in bunch of examples?
a) Information gain
b) Entropy
c) Posterior probability
d) Minkowski Distance

iii. Which one of the following is not advantages of hard margin SVM?
a) Guaranteed Separation of data examples
b) Works quite well when the training data is linearly separable
c) Identifies a unique solution, making it computationally efficient
d) Does not be affected if outliers or noisy data are present in the dataset

iv.Which one of the following is true about kernel?
a) It maps data from high dimension to low dimension
b) It maps data from low dimension to high dimension
c) It converts data samples to linear structure
d) It converts data samples to labelled data

V.Which is better for good performance of SVM?
a) Smaller margin
b) larger margin
c) Excessive outliers
d) margin with smaller outliers

vi.Which one of the following is responsible for creating new features by combining or transforming the original features?
a) Feature selection
b) Feature removal
c) Feature extraction
d) Feature reduction



vil. Which of the following denotes the positive tuples that were mislabeled as negative tuples
a) True positive
b) True negative
c) False positive
d) False negative

viii.What is the formula to calculate Recall?
a) FP/(TP+TN)
b) TP/(TP+TN)
c) FP/(FP+FN)
d) TP/(TP+FN)

ix.Which one of the following is based on joint probability distribution?
a) Suuport Vector machine
b) Decision tree
c) Naïve Bayes Classifier
d) Bayesian Belief Networks

X.If precision of a prediction system is 20% and recall is 30% what will be the value of F1.
a) 12
b) 24
c) 30
d) 60


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