Internship || Syllabus|| BCA Seventh semester


Course Title: Internship (3 Cr.)
Course Code: CAIN403
Year/Semester: IV/VII
Class Load:

Course Description:
The internship course is a practical industry experiencing course. This course is expected to provide opportunity for career exploration and development in industry. It includes applying theoretical and practical knowledge for solving real world problems while working in industry.

Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to expose and penetrate final year students into the market space industry so as to acquire experience. It gives students the opportunity to enter the real-world industry so that students will be pragmatic and able to start their professional career.

Course Details:

Nature of Internship:
The internship work should be related to computer applications and information technologies. The nature of work during internship should impart practical knowledge in computer systems and its applications development, administration and management. The internship period should be a minimum of 8 (Eight) weeks. Students should start their internship within 3 to 4 weeks of the start of the seventh semester. The internship can be practiced at government, nongovernment organizations having appropriate computer system applications and information technology usages. Generally, the internship is an individual activity however can be practiced together in groups in the host organization. However, each student must prepare and submit an individual internship report on the basis of his/her work done during the internship period. Students working in groups at the same organization should be able to distinguish their nature of work. Each student should be facilitated with a mentor and supervisor. Mentor from the intern providing company is assigned to guide each student during an internship in the company. Supervisor from college/campus is assigned to supervise each student during internship.

Phases of Internship:
The following are the phases of internship evaluation:
1. Proposal Submission: Students must submit and present project proposals after the 2nd week of the start of the internship.


2. Mid-Term: Students must submit a progress report and defend midterm progress of their internship work in the 12th week of the seventh semester.
3. Final Submission: Students must submit and orally defend the internship work during the last week of the seventh semester but before final board examination. Students must have to submit the internship final report to their respective department before at least ten days of final defense date. The report should be submitted in standard format as prescribed. The hard/soft copy of the report should be made available to the external expert before a week of presentation date. A viva voice will be conducted by evaluation on committee.

Provision of Supervision:
There should be a regular faculty of campus/college assigned as a supervisor. The role of supervisor is to guide the students throughout the internship and provide constructive suggestions. A supervisor can supervise at most five internship students in a class section.

Provision of Mentorship:
There should be a regular employee in the intern providing organization assigned as a mentor. The role of mentor is to guide the students throughout the internship period at the organization.

Evaluation Scheme:
l. Proposal Defense of 5% of total marks based on internship proposal and its presentation.
2 . Midterm of 75% of total marks based on the progress of the work of internship.
3. Final Defense of 20% total marks based on presentation of internship work and viva-voce.

The 5 marks of the proposal defense will be evaluated by the research committee formed by HOD/Coordinator/Supervisor as a part of proposal defense. The 75 marks of the midterm will be evaluated by the HOD/Coordinator, Supervisor and Mentor as a part of midterm defense. Out of the 75 marks, the HOD/Coordinator will evaluate for 5 marks, the supervisor will evaluate for 35 marks and the mentor examiner will evaluate for 35 marks. The marks from the mentor should be provided to the corresponding campus/college in a confidential manner. The remaining 20 marks of final defense will be evaluated by the external examiner from the university.

Out of 100 marks, the 80 marks (Proposal + Midterm Evaluation) will be considered as internal assessment while the 20 marks (Final Defense) will be considered as external assessment. Each student in the internship should get passed in each of the internal and external assessments individually. Any student failing to pass each of the assessments will be considered a failure.
The evaluation committee and evaluation criteria should be as follow;

a. Evaluation committee
i. Internship Supervisor
ii. Mentor from Intern Company
iii. HOD/Coordinator
iv. External Examiner

b. Focus of the evaluation
i. Presentation skills
ii. Level of work done during internship
iii. Understanding of internship activities
iv. Internship report
v. Viva/Question answer

Report Contents:

1. Prescribed content flow for the internship proposal
a. Introduction
b. Problem Statement
c. Objectives
d. Description of Internship Work/Project (Expected)
e. Internship Plan (Expected)
f. Expected Outcome of Internship Activities
g. References

2. Prescribed content flow for the internship report
a. Cover & Title Page
b. Certificate Page
i. Mentor’s Recommendation from Company
ii. Supervisors’ Recommendation
iii. Examiners’ Approval Letter
c. Acknowledgement
d. Abstract Page / Executive Summary
e. Table of Contents
f. List of Abbreviations, List of Figures, List of Tables, List of Abbreviations
g. Main Report
h. References
i. Bibliography (if any)
j. Appendices (Screen Shots/ Source Codes)

3. Prescribed chapters in the main report

a. Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction (Introduce the project/ work done during internship)
1.2. Problem Statement
1.3. Objectives
1.4. Scope and Limitation
1.5. Report Organization

b. Chapter 2: Introduction to Organization
2.1. Organization Details
2.2. Organizational Hierarchy
2.3. Working Domains of Organization
2.4. Description of Intern Department/Unit

c. Chapter 3: Background Study and Literature Review / Related Works
3.1. Background Study (Description of fundamental theories, general concepts and terminologies related to the internship project)
3.2. Literature Review (Review of the similar projects during internship, theories and results similar the projects during internship)

d. Chapter 4: Internship Activities
4.1. Roles and Responsibilities
4.2. Weekly log (Technical Details of Activities)
4.3. Description of the Project(s) Involved During Interns
4.4. Tasks / Activities Performed

e. Chapter 5: Conclusion and Learning Outcomes
5.1. Conclusion
5.2. Learning Outcome

While writing above chapters students should avoid basic definitions. They should relate and contextualize the above-mentioned concepts with their project work done during internship at the host organization.

Citation and Referencing
The listing of references should be listed in the references section. The references contain the list of articles, books, URLs that are cited in the document. The books, articles, and others that are studied during the study but are not cited in the document can be listed in the bibliography section.

The citation and referencing standard should be the APA referencing standard. The text inside the document should be cited accordingly. The APA referencing standard can be found in the web at

Report Format Standards

A. Page Number

The pages from certificate page to the list of tables/figures/abbreviations/approvals should be numbered in roman starting from i. The pages from chapter I onwards should be numbered in numeric starting from 1. The page number should be inserted at bottom, aligned center.

B. Page Size and Margin

· The paper size must be a page size corresponding to A4. The margins must be set as

Top=1; Bottom =1; Right = 1; Left 1.25

C. Paragraph Style

· All paragraphs must be justified and have spacing of 1.5.

D. Text Font of Document

· The contents in the document should be in Times New Roman font

· The font size in the paragraphs of document should be 12

E. Section Headings

· Font size for the headings should be 16 for chapter headings, 14 for section headings, 12 for subsection headings. All the headings should be bold faced.

F. Figures and Tables

· Position of figures and tables should be aligned in the center. The figure caption should be centered below the figure and table captions should be centered above the table. All the captions should be of bold face with 12 font sizes.

Final Report Binding and Submission:

No of Copies: 3 (College Library + Self + Dean Office)

Look and Feel: Golden Embracing with Black Binding

A final approved signed copy of the report should be submitted to the Dean Office, Exam Section, FOHSS.

Teaching Methods:
The major teaching methods that can be followed for this course includes industry practice, class lectures, group discussions, presentations, and demonstrations.



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