Elective III IV Geographical Information System (CACS454) syllabus BCA Eight Semester


Elective III IV Geographical Information System (CACS454) syllabus BCA Eight Semester

Course Title: Geographical Information System (GIS) (3 Cr.)
Course Code: CACS454
Year/Semester: IV/VIII
Class Load: 5 Hrs./ Week (Theory: 3Hrs. Practical: 2 Hrs.)

Course Description

GIS offers detailed knowledge as well as practical skills on GIS theory, design and implementation. It includes introduction, GIS and Map, GIS data sources and structures, spatial data analysis, GIS data modeling and creating map apart from this this encourages to students to develop a real time basic GIS project.

Course objectives

The general objectives of this course are to provide theoretical knowledge as well as practical skills of geographical information system to make students capable of capturing, analyzing and visualize real world data.

Course Contents

Unit 1: Introduction

  1. Definition, functions and Applications of GIS
  2. Components of GIS
  3. GIS as Information System
  4. Nature & Sources of GIS data
  5. Recent trends and future of GIS

Unit 2: GIS and Map

  1. Map and their characteristics
  2. Mapping concept and Techniques
  3. Map Projection

Unit 3: GIS data Sources & Structures

  1. Capturing GIS data
  2. Sources: Maps, GPS, Images and Databases
  3. Structures: Vector, Raster and TIN data structures
  4. GIS data modeling
  5. GIS database design

Unit 4: Spatial Data Modeling and Analysis

  1. Spatial data modeling
  2. Vector based analysis
  3. Raster based analysis

Unit 5: GIS data modeling & Creating Maps

  1. Surface modeling
  2. Hydrology modeling
  3. Designing and printing the map

Laboratory Works

Students should develop basic GIS project implementing the concepts given in course of study and may add more (if required).

Teaching Methods

The teaching faculties are expected to create environment where students can update and upgrade themselves with the current scenario of computing and information technology with the help of topics listed in the syllabus. The general teaching pedagogy that can be followed by teaching faculties for this course includes class lectures, laboratory activity, group discussions, case studies, guest lectures, research work, project work, assignments (Theoretical and Practical), and written and verbal examinations.


Click here to Download geographical information system syllabus


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