E-Governance ||Elective || Syllabus|| BCA Seventh semester


Course Title: E-Governance
Course Code: CACS409
Year/Semester: IV/VII
Class Load: 4 Hrs./Week (Theory: 3Hrs. Practical: 1Hrs.)

Course Description:
This course familiarizes students with different concepts of E-Governance, different E-Governance models and infrastructure development, use of data warehousing and data mining for e-governance, and different case studies of different countries.

Course Objectives:

– To develop knowledge of e-governance
– To know different e-governance models and infrastructure development
– To know to use concepts of data warehousing and mining in e-governance

Course Contents:
Unit 1: Introduction (6 Hrs.)
E-Governance — An Overview; Why E-Governance; Issues in E-Governance Applications and the Digital Divide; Evolution of E-Governance, its Scope and Content; Present Global Trends of Growth in E-Governance; E-Governance Applications; E-Governance Initiatives in Nepal

Unit 2: E-Governance Models (12 Hrs.)
Introduction; Models of Digital Governance — Broadcasting/Wider Dissemination Model, Critical Flow Model, Comparative Analysis Model, Mobilization and Lobbying Model, Interactive Service Model/Government-to-Citizen-to-Government Model (G2C2G); Evolution in E-Governance and Maturity Models — Five Maturity Levels; Characteristics of Maturity Levels; Key Focus Areas; Towards Good Governance through E-Governance Models

Unit 3: E-Governance Infrastructure, Stages in Evaluation and Strategies for Success (8 Hrs.)
E-readiness – Data System Infrastructure, Legal Infrastructural Preparedness, Institutional
Infrastructural Preparedness, Human Infrastructural Preparedness, Technological Infrastructural Preparedness; Evolutionary Stages in E-Governance

Unit 4: Applications of Data Warehousing and Data Mining in Government (6 Hrs.)
Introduction; National Data Warehouses – Census Data, Prices of Essential Commodities; Other Areas for Data Warehousing and Data Mining — Agriculture, Rural Development, Health, Planning, Education, Commerce and Trade, Other Sectors

Unit 5: CASE Studies (16 Hrs.)
Nepal (E-Governance Master Plan of Nepal; E-Governance in Local Government of Nepal; Nagarik App)
India (NICNET — Role of Nationwide Networking in E-Governance; Collectorate 2000; Computer-aided Administration of Registration Department (CARD); Smart Nagarpalika Computerization of Urban Local Bodies (Municipalities); National Reservoir Level and Capacity Monitoring System; Computerization in Andra Pradesh State Trading Corporation Ekal Seva Kendra; Sachivalaya Vahini or E-Governance Secretariat; Bhoomi; IT in Indian Judiciary; E-Khazana for Government Treasury, Andhra Pradesh; E-Governance in the Offices of Director for Foreign Trade (DGFT); PRAJA- Rural e-Seva, A New Paradigm in Citizen Services; E-Panchayat (Electronic Knowledge Based Panchayat); General Information Services of National Informatics Centre)
Other Countries (E-Governance initiative in USA; E-Governance Case Study in China
Beijing Business E-Park; Brazil’s Poupatempo or ‘Time Saver’ Centres; Sri Lanka Kothamale Community Radio Internet Project)

Teaching Methods:
The teaching faculties are expected to create an environment where students can update and upgrade themselves with the current scenario of computing and information technology with the help of topics listed in the syllabus. The general teaching pedagogy that can be followed by teaching faculties for this course includes class lectures, tutorials, group discussions, case studies, guest lectures, research work, project work, assignments (Theoretical and Practical), and written and verbal examinations.


Recommended Books:
1. E-Governance: Concepts and Case Studies, C.S.R. Prabhu, Second Edition, PHI Learning, 2012.
2. Strategic Planning and Implementation of E-Governance, P.K.Suri and Sushil, Springer, 2019.
3. A Study of the Practice of E-governance in the Developing Countries: A Qualitative Approach In Measuring The Maturity of E-government, Kazi Hassan Robin and Md. Mahmudul Hasan Rafee, 2012.
4. Implementing and managing e-Government, Richard Heeks, 2006.

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