DSA 2021 MCQ Question with answersheet


1.which of the following data structure are indexed structures?
a. liniear arrays b.linked lis c. graphs d. trees

2.which of the following is an application of stack.
a. Finding Factorial b. tower of Hanoi. c. infix to postfix conversion d. solving matrix

3. queue is a
a. fifo b. lifo c. ordered list d. linear tree

4. Basic Types of list are
a. statics and dynamic b. list and array c. infix to postfix expression d. trees and graph

5. General collection of node is called.
a. stack b. heap c. linked list d. pointer

6. what is the space complexity of the recursion implementation to find factorial of number
a. 0(1) b.o(n) c. o(n2) d.o(n3)

in a fully binary tree if there are L leaves, Then the total number of nodes N is
a. N = 2L b. N=L+1 c. N=L-1 d. N=2*L-1

8. tthe worst case complexity of bubble sort is
a) O(nlogn) b) O(logn) c) O(n) d) O(n2)

9. A technique for direct search is

a. Binary Search  b. Linear Search  c. Tree Search   d. Hashing

10. The Method of grah traversal are

a. DFS and BFS    b. MST  c. BST   d. MST and BST

1. a
2. b
3. a
5.. c
6 a
7 d
8 d
9 d
10 a



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