Distributed System MCQ With answersheet BCA Sixth semester 2020 Batch exam held on 2024 sep 04


Distributed System MCQ With answersheet BCA Sixth semester 2020 Batch exam


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1. What are the exceptions which have to be handled in a RMI client program?

Correct Answer: d) Class-not-found-exception

Explanation: ClassNotFoundException occurs when the RMI client tries to load a class that is not available on the client side.

2. Machine that places the request to access the data is generally called:

Correct Answer: b) Client machine

Explanation: The client machine is the one that sends requests to access data from a server.

3. An object acting as a gateway for client side is called:

Correct Answer: b) Stub

Explanation: A stub is a proxy on the client side that represents the remote object and forwards method calls to it.

4. All related objects moved and left to a server upon the first RPC:

Correct Answer: c) Call by move

Explanation: “Call by move” refers to transferring all relevant objects to the server during the first RPC call, avoiding the need for multiple remote calls.

5. Full form of NTP:

Correct Answer: a) Network Time Protocol

Explanation: NTP stands for Network Time Protocol, used to synchronize clocks over a network.

6. In which consistency model all writes become perceptible to all processes:

Correct Answer: d) Strict

Explanation: In strict consistency, all write operations are immediately visible to all processes.

7. Replicas are used only to improve access time on data:

Correct Answer: c) Permanent

Explanation: Permanent replicas are stored across multiple servers to improve data access time and enhance availability.

8. To improve performance, many distributed systems:

Correct Answer: b) Combine check pointing with message logging

Explanation: Combining check pointing with message logging helps in recovering from failures while maintaining system performance.

9. In a distributed file system, DNS stands for:

Correct Answer: a) Domain Name System

Explanation: DNS stands for Domain Name System, which translates domain names into IP addresses.

10. If a file system is growing without affecting performance of the system then this feature is called as:

Correct Answer: c) Scalability

Explanation: Scalability refers to the system’s ability to grow without degrading performance.

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