BCA TU First Semester 2019 batch Third semester 2018 batch result published




First semester


Third Semester Result

Result not published yet  when Result will be Published.

you can check your own result from Here when officially result Published from TU.

For Result check :

First semester :

2019 year Batch  BCA TU

Url for check Result of the First semester

Click Here For Check BCA First Semester Result 

Third Semester

2018 year Batch  BCA TU

Url for check Result of the Third Semester

Click Here For Check BCA Third Semester Result


========================================================How To Check own Result From BCA Notes Nepal.


  • After you can see your own results:   If you Got got a message like this “Congrats ”  then you passed the semester.
  • if your symbol number is not found then you had failed.
  • then after contact the college for Marksheet.
  • TU sent the marksheet of students in college.





























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