BCA sixth semester Network Programming 2023 MCQ with answersheet 2019 batch students


BCA sixth semester
Network Programming
2023 MCQ with answersheet
2019 batch students

i) Which one of the following is a valid size of a socket port address?
b) 16 bits
ii) Which of the following exception should be handled when working with InetAddress class?
d) UnknownHostException
iii) What is the meaning of HTTP response code 3XX?
 a) Relocation & Redirection
iv) Which of the following socket setting options is not available for a server socket?
v) Which of the following is a valid multicast IP address?
vi) Which of the following is a valid ServerSocket Constructor?
 c) ServerSocket(int port)
vii) Which of the following is an invalid format for constructing a secure client socket?
 a) Socket createSocket(Socket proxy, String host, int port)
viii) Which of the following sequence of parameters is valid for Datagram send packet?
c) buffer, buffer length, host address, port address
ix) Which of the following is an invalid method for choosing cipher suites?
 a) getSupportedCipherSuites0
x) Which of the following is a component of remote method invocation communication?

 d) stub and skeleton



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