BCA sixth semester Distributed system 2023 MCQ with answersheet 2019 batch students


Distributed system

2023 MCQ with Answersheet

2019 batch students

1)In distributed system,every processor processes it’s individual
a) Both local memory and clock
b) clock
C)local memory
d) process

2) Identification of Processes on the remote systems occur through _________
(a) host ID
(b) host name and identifier
(c) identifier
(d) process ID

3)which part is tasked with aiding communication and facilitating interaction among various application in a distributed system.
a) protocol
b) client
d) middleware

4)which among the option below is an invalid state of a treads?
a) Running
b) parsing
d) Blocked

5)Which is not an advantages of virtualization?
(a) Flexible and efficient allocation of resources
(b) Lowers the cost of IT infrastructure
(c) Remote access and rapid scalability
(d) Run on single operating system

6)which of the following attacks is a passive attack?
a) masquerade
b) modification of message
C) Remote access and rapid scalability
d) Traffic analysis

7)which of these mechanism is not capable of managing failures in a distributed system?
a) coordinated checkpoints
b)Two phase commit
c) Independent check points
d) Message logging

8)In the scenario what a site experience of failure within a distributed system?
a)All the site will stop working
b) Directly connected site will stop working
c) system will restart
d)The remaining sites can continue operating

9)If timestamp if two events are same then the event are
a) Non monotonic
c) concurrent
d)Non concurrent

10) If a failure arises,it is possible to select a new transaction coordinator by |
a) Bully algorithm
b)Ring algorithm
c)Both bully and ring algorithm
d) Berkeley algorithm

1(a) 2(b) 3(d) 4(b) 5(d) 6(d) 7(b) 8(d) 9(c) 10(c)


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