BCA Sixth semester 2023 Mobile Programming MCQ With answersheet 2019 Batch


BCA Sixth semester 2023 Mobile Programming MCQ With answersheet 2019 Batch


Mobile Programming

BCA Sixth semester
2023 Question paper

2019 Batch


i) Which of the following is not mobile platform?

a) Android
b) Ubuntu touch
c) Tizen


ii) Which of the following component is Linux kernel in Android architecture?
a) Location manager
b) Power management
c) Surface manager
d) webkit


iii) Which of the following layout is used to design custom layouts.

a) Absolute Layout
b) Constraints Layout
c) Relative Layout
d) Linear Layout


Iv) How to register event source with event listener in event handling?

a) Widget. addEventlistenerO
b) Widget.setEventListener0
c) Widget.registerEventListener0
d) Widget.setEventSource.


v) During activity lifecycle, which of the following callback is invoked after onStop0 to bring back interactivity with activity?

a) onStart0
b) onResume0
c) onRestart0
d) onPauseO


vi) If you want to navigate from one fragment to another then android provides which class?

a) Bundle
b) Intent
c) Toast
d) Object



vII) What is mini activity in android?

a) Activity
b) Layout
c) Adapter
d) Fragment


vIII) Which menu is called floating menu in android?

a) Context menu
b) Popup menu
c) Option menu
d) Sticky menu


ix) To use Volley API in android application, which permission must to add in manifest file?

a) android.permission.ACCESS FINE LOCATION
b) android.permission.ACCESS COARSE LOCATION
c) android. permission CALL_PHONE
d) android. permission. INTERNET


x) What does the question mark (2) indicate a particular property in swift?

c) Changed
d) Neccesary


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