BCA second Semester C-Programming 2018 AD year Question paper






Semester 2

Group B

Attempt any six Question

  1. what is software process model? Difference between cobesion and coupling in programming? 1+4
  2. Define keyboard and identifiers. Explain rules for defining valid identifiers? 2+3
  3. list the operators used in C on the basis of utility. Explain the concept of bit wise operator. 2+3′


  1. DIFFERENTIATE between while loop and do while loop write a c program to find input number is prime or composite? 2+3
  2. What is DMA? write a program to find the largest and smallest number in a list of N number using DMA. 1+4
  3. What is difference between binaryfile and text file? write a c program to write some text “welcome to BCA program” in a file test.txt 2+3

17.Explain any four graphics function in C. Write a program to draw two concentric circles with center (50,50) and radii 75 and 125.  2+3

                                                Group C

Attempt any two Question

  1. what is one dimensional array? How itt is initialized? Write a C program to find the sum of two matrix of order mxn 1+1+8
  2. Define structure and union? Write a C program using structure that reads the records of 35 students with members, Roll name, address and marks and display the record of students who have obtained greater than 250 marks? 2+8

20 what is function? list its advantages explain the concept of function call by  value and function call by reference with example?   1=2+7



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