BCA Second Semester 2020 Financial Accounting MCQ Question paper with answer BCA TU


2020 MCQ Question paper

Financial Accountiing

2020 year financial accounting mcq question paper with answer sheet.

2020 mcq answer
Financial Accounting BCA Second Semester

1 b
2 b
3 a
4 b
5 c
6 d
7 a
8 b
9 a
10 c

Model Question paper

Yearly Question paper


Financial Accounting 2021(2078)

Bachelor in computer Applications                                                     Full Marks:60

Course Title: Financial Accounting                                                       Pass Marks: 24

Code No: CAAC152                                                                               Time: 3 hours

Semester: II

Group A

i. What is a Full form of GAAP?

a. Generally accepted principles,

b. Generally accepted accounting principles

c. Government accepted accounting principles.

d. General administrative and accounting process.

ii. What is the journalizing rule of a personal Account?

a.Debit cash A/C and credit personal A/C

b. Debit the receiver and credit the giver

c. Debit what comes in credit what goes out

d. Debit expenses and losses and credit incomes and gains

iii. Subsidiary books is known as……….

a. Sub-division of assets

b. Sub-division of ledger

c. Sub-division of assets

d. Sub-division of liability

iv. We prepare profit and loss accounts for ……..

a. Determination of gross profit

b. Determination of net profit

c. Determination of cost of production

d. Determination of financial position

v. Which transaction is recoded with purchase book?

a. Cash purchase

b. Cash purchase of assets

c. Credit purchase of goods

c. Credit purchase of assets

vi. Out of the following, which one is not feature of company?

a. Artificial person

b. Common seal

c. Limited liability

d. Prospectus

vii. Double entry of accounting refers to………..

a. Every transaction has twofold equal effects.

b. Every transition record in account

c. Only monetary transaction records in account

d. Credit of cash

viii. A company is purchased a machine at Rs. 100,000 with 4 years life and zero salvage value, what is the amount of depreciation per year under straight line method.

a. Rs. 20,000

b. Rs. 25, 000

c. Rs. 30,000

d. Rs. 31,300

ix. A business required 32,000 units per year, ordering cost per order Rs. 500 and carrying cost per unit Rs. 20 Determine EOQ of business?

a.4,000 unit

b. 3,000 units

c. 5,000 units

d. 2,000 units

x. A company having 1000,000 authorized share @Rs. 100 each. Company issued 50 percent of authorized capital and subscribed 400,000 shares and paid fully. Which one is subscribed capital?

a. Rs. 10,00,00,000

b. Rs. 5,00,00,000

c. Rs. 4,00,00,000

d. Rs. 8,00,00,000

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