BCA first semester 2021 society and technology mcq with solutions


Society and Technology

1.Who is known as father of sociology?

a) karl max                 c)Emile Durkheim

b) August comet     d)Herbert Spencer

2) Which of the following event is more responsible for the emergence of sociology?

a) Colonialism                      c) Industrial revaluation and French revolution

b) Renaissance                   d) Economic crisis

3) Culture is of two types, they are

a) Urban and rural                           b) Hunting and gathering

c) Agricultural and industrial         d) Material and Non-material

4. Sociology is the scientific study of

a) Culture                              b) community

c) World                                 d) Society

5) Which one of the following can be placed under the category of achieved status?

a) Brahmin                            b) Caste

c) Doctor                               d) Race

6) Norms are standards of………….behavior.

a) Individual                          b) Family

c) Group                                 d) All of the above

7) Which of the following is true?

a) change in technology induces in social structure.

b) Technology change has nothing to do with social structure.

c) Social structure remains unchanged.

d) All of the above

8) The term ‘cultural relativism’ refers to

a) A set of values, view or reality, and codes of behavior held in common by people who distinctive way of life

b) A pattern of assertion of values and facts.

c) The belief that culture can be understood only in terms of its own values and in its

d) An extreme sect that calls for radical change in the individual, or society, or both.

9) Interview is a tool for: what do you understand by ‘Gender’ difference?

a) Racial differences               b) Sex differences

c) Physical difference between male and female

d) Socially and culturally constructed difference between male and female

10. What is the primary agency of socialization? The process by which individuals learn the society is known as

a) Acculturation

b) Enculturation

c) Assimilation

d) Accommodation


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