BCA 4th semester Scripting language 2023 year 2020 BATCH MCQ WITH ANSWERSHEET


BCA 4th semester

Scripting language 2023 year

2020 BATCH


i) Which of the following method in java script will display a window having a dialog box with a specified message, along with OK and CANCEL button as options?

a) alert()
b) confirm()
c) prompt()
d) display()

correct answer (b)

il) In JavaScript the x== = y statement implies that:

a)Both x and y are equal in value, type and reference address as well.
b)Both x and y are equal in value only.
c)Both are equal in the value and data type.
d)Both are not same at all.

correct answer (c)

iii) Which of the following primitives of JS declares variables but not initialized?

a) string
b) null
c) undefined
d) number

correct answer (c)


iv) Which of the function is used to sort an array in descending order
a) sort()
b) assort()
c) rsort()
d) dsort()

correct answer (c)


v) Which of the following is not a predefined variable?
a) $_POST
d) $_PHP

correct answer (d)


vi) Which one of the following method is responsible for sending the query to the database in php?

a) query()
b) send quer()
c) sendquery()
d) mysqli _query()

correct answer (d)


vii) Which of the following method returns number of row in result set?

a) get_row0
b) fetch_row()
c) num_rows()
d) rows()

correct answer (c)

viii) Which property is used to control the duration of AJAX request?

a) AsyncPostBackTimeout
b) AsyncTimeout
d) PostBackTimeout
c) Timeout

correct answer (a)



ix) With JQuery, look at the following selector: $(“div.intro”). What does it select?

a) The first div element with class=”intro”.
b) The first div element with id=”intro”
c) All div elements with class =”intro”
d) All div elements with id=”intro”

correct answer (c)



×) In MVC architecture, Model is referred?

a) Shape of data
b) Collection of data
c) Type of data
d) HTML content

correct answer (a)


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