Advance java Programming MCQ with answersheet 2020 batch BCA Sixth Semester exam held on sep 09


Advance java Programming MCQ with answersheet 2020 batch BCA Sixth Semester

i. What is the purpose of the setResizable() method in JFrame?

a) To set the size of the frame
b) To set the title of the frame
c) To make the frame resizable or non-resizable
d) To close the frame

ii. What is the abstract foundation class for SWING’s non-menu user interface controls ?

a) Container
b) Component
c) JComponent
d) Servelet

iii. What serves as a container for other components and is used to create customized panels for organizing and arranging those components?
a) JPanel
b) JFrame
c) JCombo
d) JMenu

iv. Which of the following leads to high network traffic?
a) Cookies
b) URL rewriting
c) Hidden form fields
d) SSL sessions

v) What is the function of the web.xmi file in a servlet-based web application?

a) To configure the serviet container and servlet mappings
b) To store client-side JavaScript code
c) To define the database schema
d) To define the HTML structure of web pages


vi. Which object is used to obtain initialization parameters in a servlet?
a) ServletConfig
b) HttpServietRequest
c) HttpServletResponse
d) ServletContext

vil. In Java Beans, Persistence Properly is achieved through the use of……..
a) Parameterized constructor
b) non-parameterized constructor
c) multicast events
d) object serialization

vili.Which of the following is advantage of using PreparedStatement in Java?

a) Slow performance
b) Encourages SQL injection
c) Prevents SQL injection
d) More memory usage

ix. Which interface is primarily used to execute SQL. statements with JDBC?

a) DriverManager
b) Connection
c) Statement
d) ResultSet

x. Which layer Intercepts method calls made by the client/redirects these calls to a remote RMI service in RMl architecture?
a) Application Layer
b) Stub & Skeleton Layer
c) Remote Reference Layer
d) Transport Layer



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